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10 November 2013


Hey everyone! 

So today I come with a non-beauty/fashion related post. 

I've noticed that I've been waaay too long without going to the gym, and I've been eating too unhealthy, and it's time to change that! To me, going to the gym is not the most exciting part of my day, but it's something that EVERYONE should do! 

Everyone has their own reason of working out. Some people want to get stronger, others want to loose weight, and others just want to be healthy. I'm more on that healthy boat, but I do admit I want to tone up as well!

I'm starting a "series" here on the blog called "Pretty and Fit", where from time to time I'll do a workout related post. I'll tell you guys what exercises I've been doing, what I'm eating, etc. Maybe you guys can join me, and we can get fit and healthy together!! :D

So, to start this off, the first thing you want to do is determine when you can workout. I know for sure that 3 days out of the week, I will be able to workout, so I'll save those days and dedicate an hour or so of each day to exercise.

WORKOUT: For the next 2 WEEKS (on those 3 days that I set aside to the gym) all I'll be doing is RUNNING. I stayed away from the gym for so long that I feel I have to really sweat out all those bad impurities before I start toning anything up..haha. I'll run for as long as I can, that could be 2 miles, 3, or 5...I'll tell you guys for sure on my next Pretty & Fit post. Running is not only cardio, but it works your leg muscles, and your abs too!! I hope you all join me!! And remember, start eating clean as well, or else there is no point in all the sweating! haha

*Disclaimer: I am NOT a personal trainer! So, do your workout at your own pace and in what you can handle.

Let's get runnin' and sweatin'! :)

"Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying." Romans 12:12

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  1. You are right, is important stay healthy and fit. You do well. I like outdoor activities like walking and running. Good luck with your goal!:) xo

    1. I love running outdoors too!! and thank you so much for your comment! :)

  2. Good luck with that! Fingers crossed :D

  3. Também estou nesse ritmo de mudanças para uma vida menos sedentária. Infelizmente, em 1 mês de academia, caminhadas e arte marcial, já estou na minha segunda distensão muscular. É difícil se empolgar e não acabar exagerando. Mas acho que vale tudo a pena. Quando a gente se olha no espelho e vê os resultados é realmente maravilhoso, ainda que demore. Tem que ser paciente. Força! Beijos :)

    1. Nossa..espero que vc melhore logo e volte a sua rotina na academia..mais com cuidado!! haha


  4. I am definitely in a similar boat as you are. I really need to get myself back in the gym and eating healthy. I have been eating food that isn't good for me and it is making me feel icky.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

    1. We can do it girl!!! Join me in my getting fit and healthy mission! :))


  5. Yay!! I love reading posts like this because they can be so inspiring:) I'm doing something similar but not necessarily to lose weight but to just feel better in general. Losing a pound or 2 will be a bonus for me lol!

    1. Yeaa just like me...I'm not doing it to lose weight either..just to tone up and stay healthy!! :)


  6. Olsen who? Is that? so cute.
    I'm looking forward to the workouts.



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